Are You Drowning In Student Loan Debt? Angela Rye, Rep Ilhan Omar & More Discuss Student Loan Crisis

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Political Advocate, Angela Rye discusses the student loan debt crisis and how African American students are disproportionately impacted by schools, government aid and more. Watch as Rye is joined by guests in this BET News Town Hall, “Young, Gifted And Broke” #StudentLoanDebt #AngelaRye #IlhanOmar


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Jermaine B says:

Up to $50,000 in student loans repaid ..I think not if my salary is only 30,000 you want me to pay down 50,000 do you expect for me to contribute to society… no

Alesha Battee says:

I love Angela Rye ?

David Cook says:

Ilhan Omar married her brother and committed fraud what a horrible human she is.

Khadijah Morning says:

I’m at about $40,000 and I’m still in nursing school ????

IMTiffani WithanI says:

I owe over 60,000 grand. And it will be okay.

Big J says:

Angela Rye = White Liberal in BLACK FACE.
White Liberals push for mass illegal immigration. So does Angela Rye.
White Liberals INGORE negative effects illegal immigration on Blacks. So does Angela Rye.
White Liberals are NOT advocates for REPARATIONS. Neither is Angela Rye.

The Law says:

Ilhan Omar married her brother. She was just caught deleting a tweet proving it.

Russian Troll says:

College is a total scam!

Victor Betton says:

You lied to me ,return of the Mack

Charniece Whitaker says:

Hearing 40-50k seems like bliss to me. I owe 320k and was in-state the entire time from undergrad to receiving my doctorates. I personally feel like it's a scam. If they're going to charge more money for school then the salaries should reflect the inflation. The cost of school has increased exponentially and the salaries have remained the same. And DON'T let you be a doctor with no experience because then offices will want to pay you thee bare minimum and work you like a dog. It just doesn't make sense… Yeah, from the outside looking in it seems like doctors are living the dream and making all this money but in reality it's not what it seems. I was working 6 days a week burning myself out stressing trying to throw chunks at my student loans just for at the end of 2018 they threw 10k worth of interest on my principal and I couldn't write off my payments towards my student loans because I made too much money. Like I said before ISSA SCAM!

Ognash Xyz says:

Go back to Africa

Confessions says:

@5:30 how don you Olney owe $40k?

Miss SJ says:

Wow let’s all come together and make this happen!! I’m 95k in the hole myself smh

straight exteriors says:

Honorable president Trump ,one of the 5 greatest presidents has already cancelled billions in student loan debt,also it is not the taxpayers responsibility to pay for the university education of foreign citizens who sought asylum,so get that straight now,we all have the responsibility to educate our children not the neighbors children,

Frank Roth says:

There is no crisis just a bunch of whiners irresponsible snot nose kids

Frank Roth says:

You can ALWAYS count on omar to be a "victim" she is a waste.

Frank Roth says:

So she is saying blacks are irresponsible and lazy and now want a bail out, GTFOOH

Frank Roth says:

What a snot nose self entitled bratty generation, suck it up cupcake pay your loans off nobody cares about your stupid selfish sob story.

The Yeti says:

Ilhan's definition of incest: "some siblings did something!"

Romain Anderson says:

Omg this crap is scary

rimel usb says:

why do you have an alleged criminal on the show!?


My student loan debt is $97,543. Do not go to college!!!!

Manu Che N. says:

This is a very bad idea with good intentions. There are some of us who worked extra work, taking second jobs to repay in full our student loans within 3 to 5 years, way ahead of the scheduled repayment period. I know some could do the same, but preferred to do different. If this proposal does not include a refund for those who paid early, then a moral hazard will be in play. There is a level of irresponsibility no one wants to admit here.

Bee Ready says:

Glad to see racist trolls watching BET ? weak

Johnny Tramain says:

So Omar "marries her brother" to get him into the country illegally, while still "married to him marries another husband, has a few kids and then cheats on him and shacks-up with some political adviser she pay's $230,000 to and the guy's wife files for divorce and child support because they have a child together. This is the woman you're taking advice from?

Admiral Crunch says:

??? get a college degree but can't do a simple budget.

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