[counselling] Videos

Lets talk about the pros & cons of non profit credit counselling

Yini umsebenzi weDebt Counsellor?

Umsebenzi weDebt Counsellor ukuthi ikusize uhlele izikweletu zakho.

IDebt Counsellor ibheka imali oyiholayi kanye nezidingo zakho bese iyabala ukuthi wena usala namalini yezikweletu emuva kokukhipha imali yezidingo zakho.

Uma kukuthi imali osala nayo emuva kokubhekana nezidingo zakho ayanele ukuthi ikhokhele izilweletu zakho, iDebt Counsellor ixoxisana nazo lezinkampani ozikweletayo ukuthi wehliselwe inzalo kanye nemali oyikhokha ngyanga zonke ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi wena unemali eyanele yezidingo zakho kanti futhi nezikweletu zakho zakhokhiwe nyanga zonke.

Okunye futhi okwenziwa iDebt Counsellor ukuthi zonke izinto zomthetho zibheka iDebt Counsellor yakho ngoba nguye umuntu ogunyaziwe ukuthi akusize ngezikweletu zakho futhi yiDebt Counsellor ekumele iqinisekise ukuthi zonke lezinkampani ozikweletayo ziyayithola imali yazo nyanga zonke njengesivumelwano esisha.

Khululeka, ungatatazeli, sikhona sizokusiza

Debt counselling process helps clients who are struggling to make payments,by entering them into a structured debt repayment plan with their credit providers.


Why i don’t approve of Call centers in the industry

The story of success, and how it can feel like you are just not getting ahead financially. Debt Review can assist you in your journey to financial health.

This video will teach you how to load a client on the My Debt Counselling System for his/her debt review removal application.

Visit https://mydebtcounselling.com/ and login to access the system.

The National Debt Review Center

Too Many Households Are Struggling With Debt.
Do You Have Credit Card Debt? Do You Have Loans That You Are Having Trouble Paying? Call Us For A Free Debt Analysis. Our Debt Specialist Will Explain You All Of Your Options. We Are A Registered NonProfit And Are Accredited In Both Canada And USA.

If you visit our Google reviews you can read our current and past clients reviews and make an informed choice about who you want on your side through the process of debt review.

Choosing the right company to get you out of debt is a big choice that should be done with as much information as possible.

If you would like a free and obligation free assessment you can call us on 086 100 1047 or visit www.dcgsa.coza

Debt Counselling is a consensual restructured repayment plan which serves as a debt help mechanism for the consumer.