[Spiritual] Videos

In this powerful karma cleanse angel message you will experience a powerful energy healing, vibration shift and cleanse of your karmic cords, attachments and ties.

Channeled by Melanie Beckler with Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Archangel Azrael, and Archangel Uriel…

As you relax and listen you will lovingly and gently be guided through a powerful karmic cleansing technique.

Quiet your mind, relax and listen to lift in the energy healing light of the angels as you experience cord cutting, spirit release, releasing attachments and negativity, energy healing and cleansing your karma.

Cleansing karmic attachments and releasing all that no longer serves you will help you to raise your vibration, tap into your spiritual power and step into living with more joy love and positivity in your life.

Listen another psychic healing meditation channeled by Melanie Beckler here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnRR6AfCNqk

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Divorce Your Debt was written to help the reader identify the key areas and situations in his or her life that represents bondage and debt. As individuals, we find ourselves getting involved in toxic relationships with people, things, bad habits, and our past experiences. After a while, we tend to become unconsciously “married” to these toxic relationships. Divorce Your Debt is a spiritual, emotional, lifestyle, and financial (SELF) toxicology test. It will allow you to examine yourself and the unconscious toxic relationships you have formed in each of the four major areas of SELF. Divorce Your Debt is a guide to wholeness. It’s a declaration of independence and a decree to become free from “every weight that so easily besets us.” It’s a conscious choice to become liberated from the chains, bondage, and traps of the enemy. We all need to divorce or rid ourselves of something in our lives, so we can truly follow God’s will and please the Master. Divorce Your Debt will guide you from debt to deliverance so you can set your SELF free!

Brooklyn based author, artist and life coach – Ayana Hinton – debuts her memoir “You Can’t Charge Spiritual Debt to a Credit Card: 13 Keys to Spiritual Power” at a time when people are hungry to know what their purpose in life is. In this book, Ayana Hinton, dissects the anatomy of life crises in order to harvest some of the most powerful, beautiful and difficult life lessons from her journeys.