10 Ways Anyone Can Graduate From College Debt-Free: A Guide to Post-College Freedom

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Founder of MyDebtFreeCollege.com, Kevin Y. Brown, author of 10 Ways Anyone Can Graduate from College DEBT-FREE: A Guide to Post Graduate Freedom reflects back on his college experience…”If I have to take out a loan for college, I’m dropping out!” is what he said to his dormitory hall director, a few days in to college. With zero knowledge of the college, financing system Kevin took it upon himself to be proactive and take control of his college finances. Upon graduation, Kevin proved to have kept his promise to himself and today he is free of any college debt. With approximately 37 million student loan borrowers having outstanding student loans and people in the 18 to 24–age bracket spending nearly 30% of their monthly income on student loan debt repayment there is a need for a guide to help students navigate the financial aspects of college life and avoid the pitfalls of student loans and related college debt. 10 Ways Anyone Can Graduate From College DEBT-FREE provides: • 10 proven strategies that can help students avoid student loan debt • Personal stories of the authors experience with each strategy • A list of over 100 scholarships valued at over $10 million dollars • Consequences of defaulting on student loans • An understanding of the various types of financial aid • Up-to-date data on life-time earnings vs. education levels • Current data on and the state of the student loan debt crisis



Excellent Read! 10 Ways Anyone Can Graduate From College DEBT-FREE authored by Kevin Brown does an excellent job of walking students through the grilling process of scholarships and financial aid. The book is written so that no one is left out and the author does a good job of focusing in on what’s important.This is an excellent book. I cannot recommend enough that all parents with pre-college children read this book and use the valuable information provided to take ownership of the college…

R says:

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