$750,000 Debt Canceled!

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Donna Berscht says:

I need a mirical for my fiances im $14000 in depet the federal government is claweing back my Garenteed income supplement of $1200 a month that leaves me and my husband below proverty with only $1661 a month to live on our rent is $1100 plus car insurance gas cell phone bill gives us nothing for food please pray for me to be debit free

Sadio Conde says:

I Pray for miracle debt cancellation in Jesus name amen ?

Hiroko Takase says:

Amen !Thank you Jesus !??

jinkyung kim says:

It's mine

Mike James says:

A tax lien? Goes to show God is powerful than the IRS

sendi says:

I pray for my debt cancelation…. Dear jesus.. Help me get free of my debt.. Amen

R. A. says:

I need a debt miracle I have been praying for for over a year right now.

Michael Gallagher says:

How can anybody be so stupid to believe this nonsense

Ken Victor says:

Amen ! My miracle of debt cancellation is on the way .
Thank you Lord !

Jose Garcia says:

Lord help me pay back my student loans stop the rain. 70k

Bb Bb says:

Your debt can be cancelled by any bank or lender but you will be left with a bad name against you. No lender or mortgage lender will want to touch you for so many years .

iamsuperboggs says:

I surely hope God help me pay my debt of $7000… I'm not asking for a miracle debt cancellation. I just want help in paying it.

tuyishime diane says:


leonora450 says:

I pray for debts cancellation. ?

Del Nel says:

Pray I get out debit of 200000 ,im from south africa

toru dutta says:

Please bless,me to pay 25000Indian money before 15th Nov by the grace of god thanks

Tracy Laurent says:

This is not of God. You do not sow to man to receive of God. Read your Bible and not be fooled. Give to the poor instead. Give to people you know that needs that money. How come God wasn't mentioned as much as money was. If you sow into this you won't see change. Instead your life will become more difficult. Follow the laws of God and he will bless you. Please listen to me.

Ashan Dhanushka says:

Halleluiah Amen ???

Fabian says:

WOW, I'm in South Africa and I pray my debt of $50k ( Rand equivalent) will be cancelled . COVID-19 literally eradicated employment in our country.

Wesley Matos says:

Glória a Deus eu recebo a Vitória eu tomo posse Aleluiah Amém eu profetizo na minha vida Deuteronômio 1:11 e recebo a benção Amém!

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