Dangerous Debt REVIEW | The Clone Wars – Season 7 / Episode 7

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Here’s my review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7, Episode 7, Dangerous Debt.

Plot Summary:
Prisoners of the Pykes! Ahsoka Tano has teamed up with the Martez sisters, who live in the underworld of the city-planet Coruscant. Struggling to make ends meet, Rafa Martez scored a job running a spice shipment from the planet Kessel. Tempers flared when Ahsoka realized the spice was being sold to the Pykes, a powerful crime syndicate. As Ahsoka and Rafa argue, Trace Martez dumped the spice, hoping to end the dispute. With no shipment to deliver, the three attempted to deceive the Pykes and failed. We now find them imprisoned deep within a fortress on the planet Oba Diah….

Official Description:
Taken prisoner by the Pykes, Ahsoka and the Martez sisters attempt to escape.

I wrote a book! It’s called “Sorry About The Mess”. Check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1091059284

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Michael Wang says:

If the story of the sister can be less Disney, less dump, maybe I would've enjoy it. Instead of feeling I just wasted 20 minutes to see Trace rambling about her stupid ship.

Nien nub says:

If you have read the Ashoka book you will probably already know what will happen at the end of the series but if you guys who don’t want to know how it ends don’t read any further because even though it is a theory SPOILERS Ashoka meets Anakin again and he gives Ashoka back her lightsabers and he also gives her some of the 501st to aid the Mandolorian civil war to end Maul. Somewhere at the end of the civil war the 501st and Ashoka managed to trap Maul in an ambush but he escaped due to order 66. Ashoka and Captain Rex both fake their deaths and escape leading to Star Wars rebels

WM B says:

I agree with the other person who commented this. I care more about the little screen time 99 had compared to trace and rafa , i honestly don't care what happens to them. Ahsoka is still good though.

Nathan Hendon says:

Always a good idea to take a step back and examine what "in-groups" you're apart of

Google is dumb says:

So 1 our main characters are total murderers I am shocked at how many Pikes died in this episode at least 10+ its crazy. One lady kills like 4 with a gun. I side with the Pikes here they paid got betrayed our "Heroes" are the real villains.

2 I don't feel much for the backstory behind their dislike of the Jedi. I really don't care about the death of the civilian casualties because its not actually that bad she was honest it was brutality but in reality that's just life. That Jedi youdid absolutely nothing wrong … so there's little empathy from me >.> your just a pussy imo

3. Our main characters are sloppy and stupid. WHY ? why can't women been portrayed as brave, resourceful and smart for a change? No instead we have a woman screaming while waving a gun around killing people not a drop of empathy for the 4 people she killed after throwing away their product.

To conclude this episode was very pretty but very shallow. I have no sympathy for our main characters at all. Why not just be honest explain they lost it and do their best to pay them back? Also how many lives have been lost so far, gates destroyed equipment lost over this one shipment. It's insane in real the woman (who cares about her name really rafa or w.e) even had the audacity to ask for another job. I really felt for the Pike who was literally like "we gave you a job and you couldn't even do it right".

Sorry to side with the bad guys here but i feel very little empathy for the main characters

carncats07 says:

My 7 year old son is now aware of the Wilhelm scream. When he heard it in this episode, he said "that's the same scream from Indiana Jones". We'd watched the trilogy over the last 3 days.

Patrick Barron says:

I think that trace is supposed to represent some kind of mental disorder, maybe anxiety because you can see that she kind of caves in when Ashoka and Rafa argue and that’s when she drops the spice in episode 6, and when she’s in the prison cell

Alexander Nishi says:

I would like to point out you mixed the mandalorian's up. Ursa is the back one. Bo ka tan is the main one speaking. You can slightly see her helmet marks under the hood.

Connor Grynol says:

The whole full circle thing was absolutely intentional. The writers knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote this and personally I think it was an interesting decision. And even if they ended up where they started the plot was influenced by their actions.

Riley Lewis says:

I think that this is one of the best episodes yet, maybe the best one. because of the first like 10 minutes as Trace (or whatever which way you spell her name) explains what happens was literally the best moment yet. it felt darker and more towards the old clone wars which we all love so much. Yes, I do think they can improve this episode, for example actually make it sound like Rafa was in pain when she got tortured (to me it seemed too weak, but that's nitpicking), overall I believe this episode is better, by far, then all the past ones. except that Anakin killed the spider dude, I think this episode holds up to that type of standard.

Robanator says:

I face palmed at how she mispronounced Corascunt

G3dabeast says:

I hate these filler episodes like if they escape just let them go

Cassius Quinn says:

Feloni at least world builds like the prequels, novels and comics have, but oh man most his character building is average at best and clone wars mostly seems average like the mandalorian.

Colin Fales says:

this arc is pissing me off. episode 7 ended in the same place it started, pretty much nothing happened except mandalorians (bo katan) saw ahsoka. more than halfway through this final season. 4 episodes we’ve already seen, 2 that were okay but kinda boring, and one that was almost completely uselsss

Tera 13000 says:

That would be so cool and the episode was amazing

DonFNM says:

Why is trace so dumb? I love Rafa and I obviously love Ahsoka, but Trace makes me facepalm in the middle of an episode like no other show lol. Idk for an underworld courascant orphan I expect her to be pretty quick on her feet and street smart, and it doesnt seem like Rafa shields her, so why is she so stupid?

Discoleumas says:

I am so disappointed with the Ahsoka arc, there is some nice world building but ultimately it feels padded out. This arc didn't need to be four episodes.

Noom J says:

The biggest issue I have with this season is how Star Wars rebels-y the episodes feel and I never liked that show

Promocode: RLMNERD says:

Can't wait for this arc to be over tbh

Nanor Tabrizi says:

Trace and Rafa have now entered my top 10 worst favorite Star Wars characters

JJ Halley says:

This shit is starting to get really good

cooking with stormtrooper says:

interesting very interesting

prince hendrix says:

sorry clone wars season 7 is not that good

José Luis Concepción says:

If ashoka becomes a mandalorian I’m gonna lose it

studlee says:

These Ashoka episodes are just bad.

Mastah says:

he voice acting of one of those mandolorians sounded very close to the blacksmith!!

trmetzgar says:

The way trace was able to get away for the guards make me think that she might be force sensitive? Maybe the master got a feeling about her but being that she was to old to start the training didn't say anything. She might have just felt the force was with her and at it would take care of them both. If you think about it, now that Ahsoka is with them so is the force and I don't think she would stop looking out for them now? Sadly I think Trace is going to die and Grapha is going to bond with Ahsoka. Ahoska might stay and look over her and lead her a lot of more questionable activities. Ahsoka will gain the understanding that life is not all black and white. She will start to act more like a grey force user . Just a few thought.

John RO says:

this episode was not really good in my opinion.

Dekka Bacara says:

This arc feels like such a waste of episodes

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