Deep In Debt And Having A Baby | Birth Days | Real Families

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Tasheba Brown Rhoden says:

This is shameful. A truck driver makes great money. The reason they have no money is because they dnt know how to manage thier spending. The funny thing is its sad tat so many families are in this same position. Shameful

Lesley Allinson says:

So who's going to pay for the baby things needs

Julia Ingrassia says:

My daughter LOVED Christmas when she was 8 mo, old, and the next year too!! I learned for the 2nd Christmas, all babies want is to rip paper, pull on ribbons, I put something teensy in each box, she couldn't have cared LESS what was in those boxes, it was just that she got to OPEN THEM!!!! WHOOHOO!! The 2nd year we let her open everybody's gift, those were the happiest Christmas's I remember! (Affordable too)!! lol

Sophie Jane says:

They need to grow up. They are adults and should act like it

Sarah Gray says:

This couple is a total train-wreck! ?? They are adult children that definitely shouldn’t have brought a child into this world when they can’t even take care of and support themselves! smh

Oksana Koontz says:

My fiancé and I are about to have our first baby and wile we don’t have a lot right now we have our own roof over our head and we don’t spend every cent he makes. This woman honestly should have applied for medicade. I got it and it’s a life saver. I feel like I’m more mature than either of them and I’m only 26.

Heathercliff says:

Arrested development. We are raising a generation soft, ignorant, and dependent. Where have the grown ups gone? Pathetic. No wonder the West is falling right before our eyes.

ReFoRmEdCoCo says:

They are too old to be that irresponsible. It's actually sad to watch. If his parents died, they would be homeless. That's a pathetic reality for a 40 something year old.

Suze Teichreb says:

Wow, these two are unbelievably immature and need to figure out priorities. Poor kid.

Tiina Saviir says:

That just makes me mad

Photo Session says:

They both look older than their ages.

furz kolio says:

Good grief he's playing up for the camera. They just don't understand what is being asked of them…. Priorities are important. … They definitely need consequences, to learn right from wrong

Sarah Woodward says:

Manly? More like Manchild …..

Sara Brant says:

This is sick! Perfect reason you should have to apply to have a kid! You live with your parents have no $$ and joke the baby is a tax deduction. You cant afford to get a place of your own and are planning is wrong with these people? Get your priorities straight! These people dont deserve a baby!!

Andrea Benner says:

“I didn’t even get a card”…..seriously?!?! They are legit like 12 year olds.

JoanneLG1960 says:

Burlington, Ontario

LileeLola30 says:

I have a family member who acts like them with money. I just can’t believe how irresponsible they are. I’m only 21 and we bought our first home, have three nice used vehicles that we don’t owe money on and take care of our son. They need to set their priorities straight. My husband works 4 weeks at a time 8 hours away but it works for us and we know it won’t be forever we are doing this.

baby5968 says:

Why do their parents have accents but they don’t?

Julie Delafontaine says:

2 people who can't handle money is an awefull combination

Unicorn Soul says:

Ridiculous, no child should grow up in scarcity because their parents could not make responsible financial design or responsible reproductive decisions.

Pia Kron says:

This young and wrong teeth. Bah

Wendell Lee says:

They're giving me the vibe that they're probably also buying drugs. Just my speculation.

Dimarie Hernandez says:

I think this is the first time all of the experts are on the same page ?

Charlotte W says:

His parents crack me up ???

Charlotte W says:

He's a total man child.

Pieter Segers says:

This is 16&pregnant backwards: 61&pregnant ?. So awkward to watch grandma and grandpa raising Charly

Petal Pinkton says:

What a nasty grandmother. Out of the question to watch her grandson just so the couple can go to the movies. I wouldn't live with that old crow if she was our last option.

Pieter Segers says:

I'm baffled of how selfish human beings can be. This is so unfair for the baby.

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