Did You Know, Bankruptcy Can't Cancel This Debt?

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Did You Know, Bankruptcy Can’t Cancel This Debt?

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@kjlnz03 says:

Bankruptcy canceled my student loans. Took almost 3 years after filing to finally get them discharged but it happened. I still get calls from Firstmark asking me to pay, then looking up my account and seeing I have a zero balance due to discharge. They are always surprised and say my situation is very rare. I thank God every day for giving me this opportunity to start over. I had been paying on these loans for over 15 years with little to no progress on the balance, and had paid nearly the entire amount the principal is by now.

@kristinabeerz7077 says:

It's called work ????

@MikeChris2 says:

Bankruptcy used to cancel student loans. A congressman named J. Biden worked to change that and protect banks from losing that money .

@Wilvekio69 says:

Not true… a judge can cancel that debt if certain criteria are met

@terrythornton5098 says:

Not only can a student loan not only be erased by bankruptcy, but the interest still accumulates while you’re in bankruptcy protection. We were not told that when we filed for bankruptcy and when we emerged from bankruptcy, the interest on the student loan ballooned exponentially! I don’t think I will ever be able to pay off this student loan. Nearly 98% of the balance is interest!

@katyedwards3935 says:

The easiest way to get out of debt is to not get into it in the first place.

@EducationalChannel28349 says:

You can bankrupt on your gambling debt, but not your student loan debt. What kind of world do we live in?

@zachialadams9279 says:

There's no justification for student debt in the first place.

@corianne2099 says:

Bankruptcy can cause reconciliation on the student loans to make them easier to pay off

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