I'm $46,000 In Credit Card Debt and Tired Of It!

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I’m $46,000 In Credit Card Debt and Tired Of It!
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Pj Durkin says:

"30k is equity on the new house already" he says. When housing crashes like 08. He will be finished. They all think their house is an atm until it isn't.

Qwaren says:

It always amazes me the angles dave can see things. Just when i thought it to be a quick “sell the rental, pay off the cc, chuck the rest at mortgage.”

x says:

With five kids and a food budget like that, his salary isn't going to cut it.

Shdonttalksh says:

Soon as I see George it gets a thumbs down and I don't even watch

James Gambee says:

“Two words that don’t go together, like Fauci math” love me some Dave Ramsey

Todd Mitcham says:

Ramsey+well-being. Speaking of words that don’t go together.

Wanda Haines says:

Sell the big house, move into your rental. Your kids will do just fine sharing rooms and a bathroom.

Evalina M says:

Gotta fix this and the this is you. Once again, Uncle Dave tells it like it is ?

Lulustoovintage says:

I really like the comment that you got a fix you

B A R E B O N E S ? says:

I wouldn’t sell the rental. The value will escalate. Better look into more ways to bring in more money and use less than you bring in.

K Roddy says:

This guy rambling drive Dave crazy ?

Him Bike says:

$500. A month interest
Before a single dollar is paid on the card.

Gray Hills says:

When it comes to the world of investing,most people don't know where to start.fortunately,great investors of the past and present can provide us with guidance

Rob says:

Self inflicted debt. Enjoy!

Mike Shaw says:

The house seems too much for the income.

Harry Tim says:

I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn't mean security rather having different investments is the real deal.

Eric Wotton says:

Beans and rice, with a side of rice and beans!!

Spot_of_Tea says:

That food budget with five kids, game over with his salary.

Evan L says:

$312k house and still owe $300k on it? Did they not put any money down or pay any of it off yet? I don’t understand how you could have so little equity on a $312k house. Also only making in the 90k range and having a 300k house is outrageous especially with no money down. The payment is probably eating half their monthly take home especially if they are investing anything else extra per month.

F Huber says:

Caller has made himself "house poor" Can't really afford the house payment.

$40k in CC debt = $8k + per year in CC interest, just eating at their budget.

David says:

Dave sees the problem if you sell the house and don't change behavior you will be back here in two to three years

TBD says:

75 to 80000 is a decent income if you are single and by yourself with that many kids married they need to be at 150 to 200 minimum

Sean Baker says:

Nothing like a self made issue to get me annoyed. Yes, I've made my own issues, also when I was young.

TBD says:

Not a decent income

Saul Goodman says:

No, do not sell the rental. 90 percent of that is pure profit.

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