Our Debt Is The Real Existential Threat | Matthew Piepenburg

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A system is only as good as the decisions made by the people running it.

Today’s guest expert is highly concerned that the leaders currently in charge of our financial system are out of their depth & putting us on a course to crisis.

A crisis, that when it fully arrives, they will address with “solutions” that require even more centralized control by the people who caused the disaster in the first place.

So what risks exactly does he recommend we prepare for?

We’ll find out now, as we’re fortunate to be joined by Matthew Piepenburg, Commercial Director at Matterhorn Asset Management AG – GoldSwitzerland
At Wealthion, we show you how to protect and build your wealth by learning from the world’s top experts on finance and money. Each week we add new videos that provide you with access to the foremost specialists in investing, economics, the stock market, real estate and personal finance.

We offer exceptional interviews and explainer videos that dive deep into the trends driving today’s markets, the economy, and your own net worth. We give you strategies for financial security, practical answers to questions like “how to grow my investments?”, and effective solutions for wealth building tailored to ‘regular’ investors just like you.

There’s no doubt that it’s a very challenging time right now for the average investor. Above and beyond the recent economic impacts of COVID, the new era of record low interest rates, runaway US debt and US deficits, and trillions of dollars in monetary and fiscal stimulus stimulus has changed the rules of investing by dangerously distorting the Dow index, the S&P 500, and nearly all other asset prices. Can prices keep rising, or is there a painful reckoning ahead?

Let us help you prepare your portfolio just in case the future brings one or more of the following: inflation, deflation, a bull market, a bear market, a market correction, a stock market crash, a real estate bubble, a real estate crash, an economic boom, a recession, a depression, or another global financial crisis.

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#debt #inflation #recession
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information and opinions offered in this video by Wealthion or its interview guests are for educational purposes ONLY and should NOT be construed as personal financial advice. We strongly recommend that any potential decisions and actions you may take in your investment portfolio be conducted under the guidance and supervision of a quality professional financial advisor in good standing with the securities industry. When it comes to investing, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss.


Wealthion says:

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Mario Garza says:

What an amazing Interview Adam. You totally killed it. Regarding Piepenburg, can't buy more into his prospects for the market and the economy, incredibly sound and robust reasoning. Of course is suicidal trying to perfectly time this, but you have to be very receptive and alert to all the signals out there. Probably, when X hits the fan, everything will come down, everything will tank, including precious metals and commodities, but as Piepenburg's general thesis plays out, bonds and stocks will continue to go down or at least will keep depressed, while precious metals and commodities (hard assets in general), will rebound and probably go parabolic, as everybody realizes where to put and not to put their money. For know, we just gotta stay liquid, stay nimble, stay prudent, stay patient until we get the signal from hard assets that they have initiated their rebound.

Adam, please ask Matthew a copy of the table of hard assets he mentioned in your interview.
Share it on your twitter feed.

Rod Stokes says:

Adam, i really enjoy your show but please refrain from cursing Christ’s name. Thank you

ILHOM I. says:

What a proof of intellectual honesty!

John Phamlore says:

The Republicans in the House just aren't going to vote to raise the debt ceiling. Everything is pointing to a confrontation where the resolution may be the Administration ordering the bureaucracy to continue and daring the Supreme Court to say otherwise.

Unaffiliated says:

All credibility lost when they use MMT incorrectly. Any “expert” should know what MMT is. Every ideological hack that comes on this channel says it at least once and always incorrectly conflates it with blind money printing. Get an MMT expert to explain to your audience what it actually is.

M Linger says:

WOW!!!! What a brutally honest interview that was a well articulated description of where things are and are hading.

Black Hat says:

Holy crap. This is hands down your best episode. He covered the span of economics, politics, philosophy, and ethic in one action-packed interview.

Rob Williams says:

Adam, I have been here since almost the beginning – thaaaaat was one of the best interviews yet.

R G says:

I'm a simple man… I see Matthew Piepenburg, and I click.

Eli So says:

Don't worry, distract people by creating wars, demonizing China and Russia, then no one will complain about the real situation in US.

Grant Vegan says:

One of you best and most insightful guests ever, thank you!! I want to hear more from him.

KingCryptoCPA says:

Excellent guest thank you very much

R Z says:

The best and most honest interview EVER ?

Thomas Mantovani says:

Seems like a very sharp and bright individual. I would contest that Americans are too trusting, perhaps indifferent, complacent, overworked, distracted, etc. Plankton for the Whales is spot on (I see you nodding as I say this). 🙂

Dr. Robert Testo says:

Great presentation. Thank you both.

Terminusgold says:

In college when "No Way Out" was released? Next Wealthion short should definitely be Adam's skincare tips.

K K says:

Mathew's scenario of two people diligently interested working on repayment of a million vs abandonment on paying back a billion… is pretty much the way this things gonna play out. Put another way, if all major powers are in debt and insolvent, there is no reason to reset or tighten the belt.

Brian Clapham says:

Great discussion! Thank you both!!

roger ward says:

This is why we need to hold to the debt limit.

veeren chithriki says:

So eloquent and explains the reality

Minor Threat says:

Dead man walking ????

Grandpa Travels says:

Fantastic interview with Matt please have him on again I love his no-nonsense straight to the point commentary, Don't get me wrong All your guests are fantastic but I especially like Matt

netstarr77 says:

Guy's great

Networth says:

Matt is a great guest. Plain-spoken and to the point.

Carol says:

Matte needs a happy pill.

Dwayne Carroll says:

I never refinanced my mortgage worrying about interest rates
In fact my refinance was slightly higher than the rate before for the last 18 years
Because if you need lower rates to finance your lifestyle you may be in trouble
So he made his fortune off of the internet bubble, which was fake and a lie. They actually lied about the health of the business
And then he ran off to Europe with the loot
Destroy all Eurodollars
Powell's mission
Europa is fading away

Ismail Cassim Mansoor says:

A leach
President Nixon Misinterpretation
Gold Standard USD Global Reserve Currency Is Modern Era Democracy Future which is not beyond your nose bridges deadline 01-03-26.
US SEC Compliance. Balance Sheet Full Disclosure.
Quote Honesty is the best policy " BOE Governor Andrew Bailey.
Ambition of once upon a time New World now Modern Era Democratic Goal. 2026 45 months S&P 500 CEO's.
COP26 Global Warming and Climate T Independent and Impartial.
Must be respected S&P 500.
Achievement of calm.
Market Makers Take off until 28 -02-26. Spend time with Loved ones.
Hon. Justice Ismail Cassim Mansoor aka Luke

_boris_ says:

what ETF can I use track commodity index (if any)?

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