The Debt Trap | The New York Times

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Close – When money was tight Diane McLeod couldn’t pay her bills, so she turned to the quickest and costliest source of cash: her credit cards.

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Ola Verde MEXICO says:

So it's not your fault but the cc company's? Grow up and control yourself

Theresa Barrera says:

You can't teach common sense.

Lara H says:

I feel sorry for her!?

Jeffrey Bennett says:

I never understand why people would take out an adjustable rate mortgage.

Dawn Brown says:

I have no credit trap cards.

Courtney Tran says:

Yes she made a lot of mistakes but a lot of Americans do the very same things she did every day. Putting $3,000 vacations on credit, paying utilities, rent/mortgage on cards when a job loss occurs, making minimum payments or not paying off balances in full, refinancing without a second thought, living beyond their means, eating out constantly, saving less than 5% of their incomes. Not having a basic education of the risks associated with high interest rates, and a barely regulated credit/banking industry.

26% interest is horrifying.

Ari Riyadh says:


Christopher Harris says:

I've never seen anyone so dumb in my life.

VR 0303 says:

How dare those credit card companies call her!!!

dachicagoan says:

Update: they're 1 million in debt and living in junkyards.

T South says:

She’s a shopping addict because she has an emptiness inside and bored with her life and her job. No relationship, what about friendships?. A lot of people will judge her but you know what most people have an addiction, it’s just not visable on them.

Rushane Clarke says:

People need financial education and need to be humble and live with less.

Monni Khan says:

I’m sorry but this lady is super stupid and binge shops and doesn’t take accountability and at the age she is in right now she should be worried about her retirement not all that shopping and debt ??????

Ikechukwu Onwuchekwa says:

Contact hacklord on, text me on Whatsapp +17178276321 , he's good and expert in a credit score fix, credit card hack and bank hack , ask him more details about loan

Roll Tide says:

I don't feel sorry for her!!

jennifer willams says:

Larry on tech solution got my cc debt paid happy right now..need help y’all can text him 347-708-6619

Nicole Jennings says:

If the value increased, why not sell the house and downsize? Pay off the debt, get a condo. Her son wasn't living with her.

Nicole Jennings says:

Credit cards are not dangerous if you can resist temptation but judging by her weight, she's never pushed away a bag of chips. So she wouldn't know about delayed gratification. 1996 was thirty years ago, she could have taken a job, divorced and paid everything off by the 2000s.

Niyah Milner says:

This lender One LendOpp . c o m can take care of your bills this month, Depending on how much you want to borrow.

Kai Smith says:

She might have bipolar. My aunt is filling bankruptcy because I’m her bipolar state she racked up like 30k in debt. Is there a way for someone to be legally barred from owning one ever again if they have an issue like this?

J K says:

If you have room on a credit card you can buy it that's great omg funny story about how not too use a credit card crazy

Philip Johnson says:

Ruma_telecom01 0n 1nstagram got me 15k on my credit card card no upfront payment

Faina Faina says:

she is too fat she needs eat less it will help her

kbrigsby61 says:

HOLY pay-day-loans, Bat-man!! She'z $286K in-debt…?? Wht's she buyin — Gigilo'z…??

Old man Goat says:

I used my c.c. For a 30 day loan
I keep my money in the bank

JoneS SenoJ says:

The ones that lend put money should be held responsible for making sure people can repay…but there is no money in helping people…they are the cancer ripping through our world ……

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