“We are in a debt trap” – Nouriel Roubini on 10 ‘megathreats’ to our world and how to stop them

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Nouriel Roubini is an economist, a professor in New York, a global economic consultant and an author who, amongst many distinguishing things, was one of those who foresaw the 2008 credit crunch and financial crisis.

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His latest work is called ‘Megathreats’, and it details 10 trends that make it more likely than not that we are heading for a global economic crash of stagnant growth, debt crises and high inflation that will cause decades of dystopian suffering and injustice. No wonder they call him Dr. Doom.
In this episode, Nouriel joins Krishnan to talk about climate change, job-displacing artificial intelligence and our future.

Produced by: Imahn Robertson


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michael says:

Roubini mentions fusion advances for maybe preventing global warming but will be to late. Not sure when this recorded so maybe before news on fusion breakthrough. News saying maybe to have first fusion systems in 7 to 10 yrs. So maybe accelerate advance of fusion adn can prevent total catastrophe related breakdown of climate.

senator hung says:

kudos to both the interviewer and interviewee. it is amazing how different the discussion quality is when this interviewer is speaking with a thinker rather than with a talker (policitican). i appreciated the questions about what individuals can do personally and financially, and i found the responses to be of applicable value. unlimited capitalistic growth on a limited resource world is objectively unsustainable, and the sooner that humanity as a whole realizes that its petri dish is getting close to collapse, the better.

The Savage Wombat says:

In the past, raising interest rates helped slow the economy by reducing borrowing. Now, it also sucks the money out of the middle class, thereby decimating them. The main difference is the prevalence of variable rate debt, primarily credit card.
Banks will line their pockets with the extra interest. I expect to see some huge bonuses given to guys like Jaime Dimon in the coming years.
There are better ways to control inflation than a regressive, oppressive central bank picking winners and losers.

G L says:

I love listening to Roubini..The man speaks my mind but in an absolutely easy way to understand. Quality of Life or Quantity of Goods and Services. Wow

Ollie Moore says:

I don't want to work.

op nion says:


Merciful Mariner says:

Roubini has a great track record. He is very very good at what he does.

Merciful Mariner says:

Politicians with blank check books, especially in USA – printing money, economic shutdowns = all blamed on covid, changing election rules blamed on covid, more and more and more printing of money, to soothe the people, then it will all fall in. Wait until it comes out the shut downs were not necessary to the extent experienced, as proven in certain states and countries.

Donnie Moder says:

Such an impressive talker, talks so fast, chock full of ideas. Am I right?

Paul Taylor says:

That's if everyone chooses to go down the AI path. It may be a question of human social choices ,cultural
And relationships

DetectiveofMoneyPolitcs says:

Economic investigator Frank G Melbourne Australia ?? watching this informative content cheers Frank

Paul Taylor says:

European governments are just as uncommunicative

NewZed says:

Very good except for climate change scaremongerering. Academics, no matter what their speciality, all seem to be climate change experts. Academia has been captured by that agenda.

Ken Bailey says:

I always listen to NR. But he has a mental block when it comes to Bitcoin.
For someone so clever he still doesn't understand it.

Paul Taylor says:

The damn U.S. with their Dads army trip

Paul Taylor says:

I know a number of people who are in a debt trap personally

A H says:

great interview. great questions. clear answers.

Tobacc0 says:

And you'll go broke setting your portfolio to reckon for the debt collapse.

Mary West says:

Gee Whizz, I am so surprised, not. One BIG SET UP.

chico johnson says:

uk has long had d same prostitute houses in soho. they dont move. corruption must b high 4 this 2 happen. 

joly ol england is more corrupt then u think. how will they change the world without changing self. its appaling.

boycott the uk until they set d example.

boycott uk

A. T. says:

I liked this interview. Compared to others I watched, the interviewer is taking in Roubini’s information and processing it, rather than making the joke about needing a drink and showing they don’t get what he is saying.

Jonathan Shorts says:

I think he is blind to the bitcoin solution, he has discounted it and his mental model can't re-frame. Also cherry picked a timeframe to show that it is down from the peak 12 Months ago, longer time frames give the completely different picture and so the opposite conclusion.

Conall General says:

He strikes me a very intense deep thinker who is trapped in a status quote intellectual vice-like mindset and is thus deeply pessimistic about the human condition. Therefore he’s bound to be wrong. Human beings are optimistic and hardwired to adapt and survive. He’s also talking mostly from a western and specifically a US perspective. Would be interesting how he would tailor his narrative for a Chinese audience. Chinese empire lasted for 5000 years – plenty of continuity and stability in autocracy – liberal democracy is still a delicate flower barely 100 years in only a few countries

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