Where We Got The Bible: Our Debt to the Catholic Church

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Traces the origin and preservation of sacred Scripture. This book includes the conversion story of the author, who converted from Calvinist ministry to Catholicism.

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Tim Drake "Author and Journalist" says:

The Bible didn’t fall from Heaven. Discover its origins! Reverend Henry G. Graham provides a compelling examination of Scripture and how it came to be as we now know it. The picture that emerges is that while divinely inspired it is the work of human tradition.This excellent resource explains how the Church compiled the New Testament Canon, the work of the Monks of the early Church, refutes the Protestant argument of the “Bible alone”, and explains some of the erroneous Protestant versions of the Bible.The book also…

Rick "SeaZephyr" says:

Wonderful book! This is an excellent book. This book accurately shows us where the Bible came from, and in addition to that, it brings to our attention things that we usually do not hear about. Such as how the scribes of the Christian Church were Catholic Monks and Nuns. Before the printing press, Bibles had to be copied by hand. It was through the tireless efforts of Catholic Monks and Nuns that the Bible was made available for all to read. These men and women are the unsung heros of all Christian people…

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