Gravitas: This giant tsunami of debt could trigger the next financial crisis

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Global debt surged to a record $226 trillion last year. This is the largest one-year surge since World War II. Can this trigger the next financial crisis? Palki Sharma tells you about the risks.

#GlobalDebt #IMF #Gravitas

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isaac believer says:

The biggest beggar (loan takers) are no one is America and India is ——- place

Sam Son says:

When there are borrowers their are lenders. What she didn't talk about is who are the lenders?

aamir khan says:

Game of derivatives market.

Ajay shekhawat says:

The number shown at 0:42 is 226 billion not trillion

narcissist injury giver says:

all fraudulent debt from satanic Talmudic banking families who print money. money that can never be repaid. this is why

Prathosh Kumar says:

your video shows 226 000 000 000 is 226 billion not trillion.

Linloucf Gouyg says:

Can't put a spin on this one and blame black people.


Every single country has debt.
Where has all the money gone?
Who on earth has all the money to lend out? This dude has to be very rich.

Alan Tan says:

What’s there to trigger? This does not concern the US or global economy. Overseas US dollar bond holders accounts just didn’t get their money back and banks just write off those debts and start again.

g18lp _ta says:

Klo ada org di negara gue yg ribut soal utang negara, gak pernah tau berita global debt, masih ada negara yg utangnya lebih menguatirkan.

Morgan Oox says:

What we need is a mass protest, in the form of a refusal of the poor to pay their debts to the rich. CAN THEY PUT US ALL IN JAIL?! This whole stinking system only works because we are AFRAID to stand up to the rich, and just say NO! WE WILL NOT BE YOUR SLAVES ANY MORE! This is especially true in China and the US!


good & lets the war begin to see the power of god right in our eyes

fredrik payedar says:

There will be inflation. Let me repeat inflation

zen coin says:

Fukk chinna

In Tsik says:

The biggest surge of debt happened after evil china introduced pandemic to the world. Government has to borrow to fight this pandemic, many businesses had to closed because a lot of their workers and customers were infected. There’s no business at all!

Morgan Oox says:

Which in turn could trigger WW3

SuperSatan666devil 1st says:

Terrible world! Anyway, Palki the Bulky will support me.

Joe Fasano says:

Thanks to America Ponzi Model. By the way, according to the accountability, it means there is someone with $226 trillion of CREDIT, so lucky…

Vivek .C. Nair says:

The debt is engineered. It's not real debt.
It's controlled by certain people who own massive corporations.
To whom is the money owned in the first place. No one seems to ask that question though.

Kyle Morin says:

Worlds first International revolt civil war Against each and every single one of our unique crooks that hide their riches to manipulate, control, and exploit the lower end of their respective country.

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