New Deal for Africa: How to finance recovery while avoiding debt trap

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If it’s all about the post-pandemic recovery and if deficits no longer matter… then what about Africa? France welcoming leaders for a summit devoted to finance and relieving the debt owed by a continent that felt the full brunt of a world economy under lockdown. The age-old question more acute than ever: how to be like the US and Europe and earmark huge sums for health care, schools, green energy and infrastructure… instead of using the money to pay interest on old debts?

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S. K. Manuel says:

The chickens are grabbing New deal of maize to grow fat for the slaughter

Mwiche Nachizya says:

Another trap

oru pere says:

I hate African leaders.

GMo G says:

Bad governance and finance mismanagement by KEN OFORI ATTA has been the problem. Most of the covid-19 loans $6 Billion is missing under KEN OFORI ATTAS care. Do not believe any numbers he is sighting for Ghana

Raymond Cheung says:

Taken a gamble to benefit your people with loans or a bomb from democracy that takes all your stuff for free?

I'll honestly take that loan instead a gun to the back of my head

whail Idris says:

Our leaders will never learn

whail Idris says:

Our leaders will never learn

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