Debt Counselling

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Today’s question: What is Debt Review?

Debt review is a relieve or remedy provided by the National Credit Act for over indebted consumers.

When a consumer’s combined monthly debt installments are more than what he earns, a consumer can be classified as being over-indebted.

Debt Review offers consumers the opportunity to get their monthly installments reduced and the debt terms extended to such an extent that it provides breathing room in the consumer’s budget. From there, a registered debt counsellor can assist the consumer to construct a reasonable repayment plan that will see the consumer become debt free.

The Debt Review process also provides protection of assets under the National Credit Act. In the past, consumers could easily lose assets such as homes, vehicles, etc when they fall in arrears. Debt Review provides a solution to protect those assets and repay your debt without having to worry about credit providers harassing you or taking legal action.

Contact us today and we will guide you to a debt free future.

Tel: 076 514 3756

Email: info [@]

Many South Africans find themselves facing the issue of debt. And having to face the music by tackling the money they owe could see some need debt counselling. Paul Slot, president of the Debt counsellors association joins CNBC Africa for more.

Whackhead’s latest victim has a lot of financial problems. Her bank has stepped in and said that she’s in trouble and set her up on “Debt Rescue” – where the bank counsels and helps people get out of their financial problems. Whackhead calls from Debt Rescue….

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Debt Review is a process where a consumer gets assistance from an NCR registered Debt Counsellor. Read more about debt review at or

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