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It sounds too good to be true, it’s not. Consolidation rolls similar debts into one monthly payment that is typically less than you paid before. This works for credit card bills, student loans, and even back taxes. If you do it right, you won’t hurt your credit score, either.

So, how do you do it right? will show you how to consolidate your debt by yourself, or how to consult a professional who can walk you through it. Even if you go your own way, it doesn’t hurt to consult a certified credit counselor for free debt analysis.

You can also learn about other options like a debt management program or debt settlement. But first, find out if debt consolidation is right for you.

Learn everything you ever wanted to know about debt consolidation here. Is this debt management solution right for you? Discover the tricks of the trade from debt management through the use of debt consolidation. Our company offers free debt advice to individuals like yourself. Contact us today to get help paying off your debt and living debt free! is a free debt advice company. We take pride in the fact we have helped American citizens reduce their amount of debt by millions through sound financial advice and legal practices. There’s no need to suffer through your debt problems when there are experts ready to help you for no charge whatsoever!
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What is a debt consolidation mortgage and how could it help you?

A debt consolidation mortgage is more commonly referred to as a cash-out refinance. This is where you pull out some equity in your home to pay off debt.

For example: let’s say your current home is worth $200,000 and you owe $100,000. Also, you have $20,000 in credit cards and other loans you want to consolidate into a lower interest debt.

If you did a cash-out refinance, you could get a check for $20,000 at closing and you would now owe $120,000 on your mortgage. Essentially, the debt gets absorbed into your mortgage.

So, why would you do a debt consolidation mortgage? This type of cash-out refinance helps you turn unsecured, high-interest debt (credit cards, auto loans, etc) and convert it into secured, low-interest debt.

A debt consolidation mortgage is a piece of the puzzle towards becoming debt-free in the future. It’s not a full solution to a debt problem, it’s simply a tool.

The big thing you have to keep in mind with this strategy is that it doesn’t just make the debt dissapear. The debt will still be there. But, instead of the debt being held at high interest (usually 15-25% by AmEx or Visa, etc) it will be help in your mortgage (usually around 3-5%).

But, is it smart to take short term debt and convert it to long term debt? Here’s what I mean… If you have $10,000 worth of debt in credit cards, that debt will get paid off in about 7 years. If you take that $10,000 and wrap it into your mortgage, it will get paid off in 30 years if you don’t intervene.

So, in that case it’s not smart to do that. But, it is smart if you continue making similar payments on debt. But, instead of paying the credit card company, you pay extra into the mortgage.

Again, a debt consolidation mortgage does not make debt disappear. It simply restructures the way you’re paying back debt and can help you avoid the massive interest charged on credit cards and other high interest, risky debt.

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• EntreLeadership: Debt Counselling can consolidate your debt into one easy payment and clear your credit record. For a free assessment, contact us today 0861626859

Have you found yourself overwhelmed or struggling to keep up with different debt payments each month? Or perhaps your interest rates are higher than average and costing you a ton of money and you are wondering, “Is debt consolidation a good idea?”

In today’s video, we are going to discuss what debt consolidation is, more importantly how it works and if it’s a good idea for you.

Debts to Pay First, Buying a Home, HELOCs, Saving on a Low Income (Q&A)

Stressing About Your Debt? Learn How To Manage Debt Stress!

9 Money-Saving Challenges To Save More Money!

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You owe it to yourself to get in touch with us now and learn how you can become debt-free.
Our credit counselling and debt consolidation program is completely confidential, so your privacy is assured.
Here is your opportunity to consolidate debt, pay off outstanding credit cards, escape from high interest rate loans, and cut your monthly payments to one single amount that you can afford. Yes, you can be debt free, and faster than you may think.
For many people, debt consolidation is the best way, and sometimes the only way, to end the stress of credit card overspending and high interest rate loans.
Using our debt consolidation and credit counselling program, you could save thousands of dollars in interest payments.
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Take a moment to contact us. We’ll explain how our debt consolidation and credit counselling programs can help you eliminate debt faster ever thought possible.
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You can also read more about Debt Consolidation vs. Bankruptcy here.
And here

Join us today as we delve into the complex world of Debt Consolidation and Bankruptcy.
This video comprehensively summarises these two critical financial options that can help individuals manage overwhelming debt.
Understanding the differences and impacts of these options will aid in making informed decisions for your financial future.
As detailed in this video, debt consolidation involves taking out a new loan to pay off multiple debts, and merging multiple monthly payments into one.
This process often involves a new loan with a lower interest rate, making it suitable for those with a decent credit rating and manageable debt levels.
On the other hand, we explore Bankruptcy as a legal process designed to provide relief to individuals or businesses who cannot pay their debts.
It can effectively eliminate most of your debts, but comes with its own costs, including significant damage to your credit rating.
It’s essential to understand that these are not one-size-fits-all solutions.
Your unique financial situation, including your total debt, income, and future financial goals, must be carefully considered when deciding between Debt Consolidation and Bankruptcy.
In this video, we emphasize the importance of seeking professional advice from nonprofit credit counselling agencies or debt settlement companies before making such critical decisions.
Make sure to like and subscribe to our channel for more valuable financial insights and guidance.
Remember, your choice between Debt Consolidation or Bankruptcy will significantly impact your financial future. Always ensure you make an informed decision.
#DebtConsolidation #Bankruptcy #FinancialAdvice #DebtManagement #FinancialPlanning #CreditRating

Paying off debt? In this video I give you ten common mistakes people make while paying off debt. Don’t fret if you’ve made them. We’ve all made some money mistakes. So long as you don’t repeat them, they’re considered “learning experiences”. Which mistakes have you made?

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Hey there! I’m Dana. I’m a wife and Mother to 4 kids, including twin boys and two girls. I work full time outside the home in finance as a Corporate Accountant, but enjoy sharing my personal and parenting journey online. We live in the Philadelphia area.

Follow Me on Instagram @DebtFreeDana

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Debt-Savvy is South Africa’s leading debt counsellor. Each month we help hundreds of South Africans to consolidate their debts, reduce interest rates, and more! Learn how with our free education videos: