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How to get out of a situation where you can’t honour loan obligations such as paying your loan EMI. Here are 5 tips to get out of what is called as debt trap and take charge of your finances.
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Hello and welcome to FundooMoney, your 24X7 buddy for all your money matters. We have all heard about the word “debt trap”. But what exactly is it? Well, debt trap is situation where you have taken so much debt or loans that you find yourself unable to even service the monthly interest. You actually need a loan to pay the interest and hence end up increasing your debt. This is a vicious cycle created in the first place due to excessive and high interest rate borrowing. You need to create and work on a plan diligently to get away from this financial mess. Shortly, we tell you the essential steps that you need to take in such a plan.

Pay off high cost debt at the earliest
Prioritise all your debts based on interest rates. Get rid of highest cost debt such as those of credit card outstanding that typically charge 40% annually. If the outstanding amount is too large, take a personal loan or do a balance transfer on EMI on other credit card. This could bring the interest rate to a more manageable level of around 12-15%.

Consolidate medium cost debt
If you have many small value loans like consumer loans, personal loan or credit card dues, it would be better for you to bring all these loans at one place by taking a personal loan or debt consolidation loan at a low interest rate. You can interact with your lending institution for this.

Look for low cost alternative
If you have high interest rate loan like a personal loan, you could take a lower cost loan, typically loans against assets such as gold, car or property to pay off the high cost debt.

Try extending the tenure
If you are likely to find it difficult even to pay off low cost EMIs, consider extending the tenure of the loan to manage the repayment obligation. Secured loans should typically allow you to have a long tenure. This will keep the EMI under check. Once your income rises or you get any windfall gains, you can utilise that amount for faster repayment of your loan.

Liquidate investments if the need be
If all of the above steps are not enough, consider liquidating some investments such as idle gold or property. Try to view this move without emotion. Consider the loan repayment burden a cost of retaining these investments with you. Once outstanding loans are repaid, you could use the money to invest for your future.

We hope you found this useful. Do share with us and others on the channel your tips for getting out of debt trap, by writing in the comments section. For more such actionable personal finance information and regular uploads, subscribe to our channel. Also, visit our website, download our mobile app and stay connected with us on Instagram, Pinterest and Slideshare. Learn how a debt management program works and consolidate your credit card debt into one monthly payment. Call us today. 1-888-527-8999


Source: article, adapted under license.

Debt consolidation is a form of debt refinancing that entails taking out one loan to pay off many others. This commonly refers to a personal finance process of individuals addressing high consumer debt but occasionally refers to a country’s fiscal approach to corporate debt or Government debt. The process can secure a lower overall interest rate to the entire debt load and provide the convenience of servicing only one loan.

Debt generally refers to money owed by one party, the debtor, to a second party, the creditor. It is generally subject to repayments of principal and interest. Interest is the fee charged by the creditor to the debtor, generally calculated as a percentage of the principal sum per year known as an interest rate and generally paid periodically at intervals, such as monthly. Debt can be secured with collateral or unsecured.

Although there is variation from country to country and even in regions within country, consumer debt is primarily made up of home loans, credit card debt and car loans. Household debt is the consumer debt of the adults in the household plus the mortgage, if applicable. In many countries, especially the United States and the United Kingdom, student loans can be a significant portion of debt but are usually regulated differently than other debt. The overall debt can reach the point where a debtor is in danger of bankruptcy, insolvency, or other fiscal emergency. Options available to overburdened debtors include credit counseling and personal bankruptcy.

Other consumer options include:

debt settlement, where an individual’s debt is negotiated to a lesser interest rate or principal with the creditors to lessen the overall burden;

debt relief, where part or whole of an individual debt is forgiven; and

debt consolidation, where the individual is able to acquit the current debts by taking out a new loan.

Sometimes the solution includes some of each of these tactics.

The bulk of the consumer debt, especially that with a high interest, is repaid by a new loan. Most debt consolidation loans are offered from lending institutions and secured as a second mortgage or home equity line of credit. These require the individual to put up a home as collateral and the loan to be less than the equity available.

The overall lower interest rate is an advantage of the debt consolidation loan offers consumers. Lenders have fixed costs to process payments and repayment can spread out over a larger period. However, such consolidation loans have costs: fees, interest, and “points” where one point equals to one percent of the amount borrowed. In some countries, these loans may provide certain tax advantages. Because they are secured, a lender can attempt to seize property if the borrower goes into default.

Personal loans comprise another form of debt consolidation loan. Individuals can issue debtors a personal loan that satisfies the outstanding debt and creates a new one on their own terms. These loans, often unsecured, are based on the personal relationship rather than collateral.

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Don’t just move the problem around, fix it and get your debt paid off. Contacting a certified debt counselor to help you handle your money and set up a budget will get you started.