[Affirmations] Videos

???? Using affirmations effectively involves more than just repeating positive statements. Here are some effective ways to make the most out of your affirmations:
????Be Specific: Craft affirmations that are specific to your goals or the areas of your life that you want to improve. Specific affirmations have a stronger impact on your subconscious mind.
????Use Positive Language: Frame your affirmations in positive language. Instead of saying, “I am not anxious,” say, “I am calm and relaxed.” Focus on what you want to experience, not what you want to avoid.
????Believe in the Affirmations: The more you believe in the affirmations you repeat, the more effective they will be. Cultivate a sense of faith and trust in the power of positive affirmations.
????Repetition is Key: Practice your affirmations consistently. Repetition helps reinforce the positive beliefs and slowly replaces any negative thought patterns.
????Visualize: Combine visualization with your affirmations. Imagine yourself already experiencing the positive outcomes you desire. This adds more emotional intensity to your affirmations.
????Embrace the Present Tense: Phrase your affirmations in the present tense, as if you are already experiencing the desired outcome. This helps your mind accept the affirmation as a current reality.
????Use Affirmations Daily: Make it a habit to practice your affirmations daily. Morning and evening are excellent times to reinforce positive thoughts.
????Add Feeling and Emotion: As you repeat your affirmations, try to evoke positive emotions and feelings associated with the desired outcomes. The more emotion you put into it, the more powerful it becomes.
????Write Them Down: Write your affirmations in a journal or on sticky notes. Seeing your affirmations written down can strengthen their impact.
????Say Them Aloud: Speak your affirmations out loud. Hearing your own voice saying the positive statements adds an extra layer of reinforcement.
????Remove Resistance: If you notice resistance or doubts arising while affirming, address them gently. Acknowledge any negative thoughts but consciously choose to replace them with positive affirmations.
????Stay Patient and Persistent: Changing thought patterns takes time. Be patient and persistent with your affirmations, even if you don’t see immediate results.
????Customize Your Affirmations: Tailor your affirmations to your specific needs and desires. Personalization enhances their relevance and effectiveness.
????Use Affirmations for Different Areas: Create affirmations for different aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, health, and personal growth.
????Remember, affirmations work best when accompanied by action. While affirmations can shift your mindset and boost confidence, taking steps towards your goals is equally important. Combine the power of affirmations with consistent action, and you’ll see positive changes in your life.

Click HERE to get our 4, best-guided meditations to attract money effortlessly for free! https://drattraction.com/4moneygm/
It will work with scientific accuracy!
P.S. Anything promoted here is free and 100% created by the owner of this YouTube Channel.


? Voice Over made by Tim D J.; https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~012b7cd4613255c419


Be honest…

When you think about money, or creating more abundance in your life, how does it make you feel?

Does it make you feel happy and liberated?

Or, does it make you feel stressed and upset?

What many people don’t realize is that by thinking negative thoughts about wealth (thoughts like, “I don’t have enough” or even replaying past negative experiences with money), they’re actually repelling instead of attracting abundance.

Your initial reaction to our question about creating more money is actually what is running the show! This is your subconscious speaking.

Our outer world is simply a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings, which is why it’s so important to have the tools to reprogram negative thoughts and feelings. Through subconscious reprogramming, like meditation and Mind Movies, you have the opportunity to create an abundant mindset so that you can live a fulfilling and prosperous life.

So is your body currently programmed to attract more abundance, or are you subconsciously sabotaging your financial success?
Do you want to step into a new mindset that will help you craft a new, abundant future?

By listening to this 25-minute guided meditation for wealth from world renowned wealth coach, Jean-Francois Fortin, you’ll learn to visualize and manifest your dreams.

This audio will help you relax, step back and visualize the abundance already in your life, but which might not feel within your reach yet. It will guide you into a relaxed state of mind and then take you on a guided journey into your future.

Remember — what you visualize, you ACTUALIZE.


Jean-Francois recommends you listen to this every day for 30 days to really create shifts in your life. The more you use it, the better results you’ll see.

If you like what you’re hearing, get our full set of 4 AMAZING guided meditation tracks here: ??http://beforebed.net


Find a quiet place where you could relax. Lay your body in a very comfortable position (I personally like to use a lounging recliner chair) and use headphones.

Each time and “I AM” or “I FEEL” affirmation is given, echo it in your mind. Do this even if it feels weird or wrong at first. With time it will feel like home!

You need to see those guided meditations as VISUALIZATION EXERCISE! So with each track, try to FEEL the action through at least one of your 5 senses (hear, see, smell, touch, and taste).

WATCH when you go to bed
ATTRACT more money
REPEAT the process



Music used with permission from https://www.bensound.com

Footage licensed through Videoblocks
For all my videos I have all licenses/permissions from copyright holders for commercial use.


INTERACT WITH US ? https://www.facebook.com/BeforeBedvideos/


If you struggle to relax and combat stress and anxiety, try “Nature Imagery Therapy”. This is quite effective and new!
You can VISIT OUR NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL to check it out:


Click here to download this guided meditation PLUS 3 more! ??http://drattraction.com/

PS; anything promoted in this channel is free and 100% created by the owner of this YouTube Channel

“How you think is everything.” This simple and true statement exemplifies how the product of our labors is first built by our minds. Everyday, we make several financial decisions, yet many of us practice little to no daily mindfulness of our money until there are cash crunches or other problems that must be addressed. This book is the tool you need to breakthrough and achieve consistent daily awareness of your money and your mindset towards money. Containing 365 personal finance affirmations–one for each day of the year–this book provides daily meditations to help you break through mental and habitual roadblocks, negative predispositions, and self-sabotaging beliefs that stand in the way of financial success. Each affirmation has been carefully designed based on extensive research into the personal finance and self achievement fields. The simplicity and elegance of each affirmation provides a tool to help you conquer the financial challenges in your life while supporting your long-term goals.