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If you’re struggling to repay your debts, speak to your bank before contacting a debt counsellor.

Please find out more at ncr.org or on our website: http://bit.ly/3v4x1jD

Struggling to repay your debt? Think twice about debt review offers that sound too good to be true.

Always speak to your bank before a debt counsellor. If debt review is your only option, make sure you’re dealing with a registered debt counsellor.

Get info on our website or ncr.org.za. https://bit.ly/3v4x1jD

There is a lot of fake news about debt counselling filled with promises of payment holidays and savings.

Don’t believe the hype! If you’re struggling to repay your debts, speak to your bank first before going to a debt counsellor.

Find out more at ncr.org or on our website: http://bit.ly/3v4x1jD

#SlamTheScam! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

If you’re struggling with your debt right now or think you may in the future, speak to your bank first before considering debt review.

Find out more at ncr.org or on our website: http://bit.ly/3v4x1jD

There is a lot of fake news about debt counselling filled with promises of payment holidays and savings.

Don’t believe the hype! If you’re struggling to repay your debts, speak to your bank first before going to a debt counsellor.

Find out more at ncr.org or on our website: http://bit.ly/3v4x1jD

There is a lot of fake news about debt counselling filled with promises of payment holidays and savings.

Don’t believe the hype! If you’re struggling to repay your debts, speak to your bank first before going to a debt counsellor.

Find out more at ncr.org or on our website: http://bit.ly/3v4x1jD