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In difficult times, debt can be a matter of life and death, happiness and despair. Controlling debt can bring order and calm. Mastering debt can bring wealth and success. As bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says, “Good debt makes you rich and bad debt makes you poor.”

The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt provides the necessary knowledge to navigate through a very challenging credit environment. A Rich Dad Advisor and best selling author of numerous business books, Garrett Sutton, Esq. and contributorGerri Detweiler, clearly speak on the key strategies listeners must follow to get out of debt. From there, the listener learns how to beat the lenders at their own game, and how to understand and repair your own credits. Using real life illustrative stories, Sutton shares how to deal with debt collectors, avoid credit scams, and win with good credit.

The times call for a book that offers hope and education on mastering credit and getting out of debt.

There are ?financial experts” who advise people to take out their credits cards and cut them up. And that may be a good plan for someone who is financially irresponsible, it’s not great advice for someone who wants to build wealth and become financially free. Cutting up your credit cards won’t make you rich; learning to leverage and manage debt will.

If a person has a solid financial education they will know that there are two kinds of debt: good debt and bad debt. A person who understands debt will know how to use good debt to make them richer faster. And when we take control and learn to manage bad debt, seeing it for what it is and understanding the toll it can take if abused, we are on the road to financial freedom.

Learn how to make your money work hard for you? instead of you working hard for money all your life. Understanding debt and how to use and leverage it is an important first step.

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Debt, for some, is a constant source of anxiety and stress, for others it has simply become so prevalent in their lives that they cannot even imagine themselves not having it. The word debt has such a negative connotation that many of us can’t imagine there being such a thing as good debt. This book has been designed to provide you with the information you need to help you get out of the constraints of debt and living freely again. So wait no more, it’s about time that you stop allowing your debt to control you, it’s time for you to take over the reins and learn how to become debt free for good.

Get your finances under control now. Feel the peace of knowing your checkbook is balanced and in the black. Relish the bliss of paying your bills on time and savor the power when you have a savings and are in control of your spending.

No more sleepless nights wondering how you are going to pay your bills. No more beating yourself up for unconscious spending, hiding receipts and credit card statements. No more needing approval from others. No more worrying when it comes to money. Pam’s fun-to-use tools and exercises will soon be helping you tackle your money problems. Learn the secret, thought-provoking weapon she used to free herself of $26,000 in credit card debt.

You’ll instantly want to use it every day to stop sabotaging your good intentions toward your finances as well as other areas of your life. This humorous book was written to entertain you while Pam helps you grow into a financially mature adult. It is her prayer that you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank and to financial happiness while you bring your family right along.

Pam Young created this book to help you in these difficult times. By marrying The GOOD Book:Get Out Of Debt ©2008 Pamela I. Young with Flylady’s FACETM Journal, in a very short time you will bring your finances under control AND have fun doing it.

In difficult times, debt can be a matter of life and death, happiness and despair. Controlling your debt can bring order and calm. Mastering debt can bring wealth and success. As bestselling Rich Dad/Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says, ?Good debt makes you rich and bad debt makes you poor.”

The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt provides the necessary knowledge to navigate through a very challenging credit environment. A Rich Dad’s Advisor and best selling author of numerous business books, Garrett Sutton, Esq. clearly writes on the key strategies readers must follow to get out of debt. Unlike other superficial offerings, Sutton explores the psychology and health effects of debt. From there, the reader learns how to beat the lenders at their own game, and how to understand and repair your own credit. Using real life illustrative stories, Sutton shares how to deal with debt collectors, avoid credit scams, and win with good credit.

?The reason Garrett Sutton’s book is so important is that like it or not, debt is a powerful force in our world today. The financially intelligent are using debt to enrich themselves while the financially uneducated are using debt to destroy their lives.”- Robert Kiyosaki

The times call for a book that offers hope and education on mastering credit and getting out of debt.