[Mediating] Videos

Florida mediator Tye Bourdony of Cfmediationcenter.com discusses debt collections type of cases in small claims court and how they too can be resolved privately between the parties instead of before a Judge. This is not legal advice, so be sure to discuss your specific issue with an attorney.

Published by attorneys and mediators of Olowska & Pierre, Inc. (oplawyers.org) and Instant Mediations, LLC. (InstantMediations.com), this channel covers the exciting world of law, mediation, arbitration, and online practice.

This is video four in a four part series that explains farm debt mediation in NSW. This video discusses the role of the mediator, how parties can mediate effectively, and the types of agreements that might be negotiated during the mediation. It also explains the next steps after a satisfactory mediation, including the certificate issued and appeal mechanisms. More information is available from the NSW Rural Assistance Authority’s website (https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/) or a NSW Rural Financial Counsellor.