[Recovering] Videos

When a debt needs to be settled, the concerned parties can enlist the help of a professional mediation service to settle the debt dispute. This is often a cheaper, quicker and less stressful process than immediately hiring a solicitor to settle the dispute.

Mediators are trained to find an amiable solution for both sides of a disagreement, and their fee is informed by the amount of debt that is being discussed.

To find out more, contact a member of the Middlebrooks team: https://www.middlebrooksadvice.com/contact/

After learning how to curb her spending habits, Lauren Greutman shares her hard-earned knowledge on how to get out of debt and live without the financial pressures that many people face today.

A young married woman wants to live the American Dream: two fancy cars, custom built home, two-income household, a beautiful baby with another on the way. It’s a life with the bells and whistles that credit cards, bank loans, and money can buy. Then suddenly, the bubble bursts. The damage of overspending results in a mortgage underwater, a car towed away, $40,000 in debt, and a $1,000 a month deficit in family finances. Through trial and failure, Lauren curbed her spending addiction and successfully set up boundaries to keep her safe from her spending. In THE RECOVERING SPENDER, Lauren shares with readers her step-by-step program of how to exchange the over-rated, stressed-out American dream for a new one–a simpler, happier life with financial freedom.