[Scarcity] Videos

Lack mentality comes from a place of scarcity. If you’re finding it hard to make ends meet lately, most likely you are struggling with a lack mindset. Get out of debt, regain control of your financial situation, and shift away from scarcity state of mind. Manifest abundance and financial freedom!

Relaxing binaural beat meditation music for deep sleep
Guided meditation to get rid of negativity, negative emotions and negative energy.
Positive Affirmations for a debt free mindset.

Listen while you sleep! Transform yourself and your life!

??ABOUT ME : I write and produce hypnosis sessions, meditations, brainwave entrainment sessions, and mind-body programs. My passion is creating programs that bring out the best in others, focusing on self-improvement, goal achievement, personal success, and inner growth.


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Get Out Of Debt: Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset | Manifest While You Sleep


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The United States has gone off track, allowing domestic and foreign aid policies to be co-opted by a government—abetted by mass media—that serves special interests rather than the greater national good. Americans’ tendencies to trust, play fair, and help have been abused and require replacement by a realistic outlook.

The Vanishing American Dream posits solutions to get America back on the right track. Abernethy sees population growth driven by mass immigration as a major cause of economic and cultural changes that have been detrimental to most Americans. The environment has been degraded by over-crowding and increasing demands on natural resources. Work is cheapened by explosive growth in the labor force creating a buyer’s market. One salary or wage no longer supports a family and educates children. Women working outside the home is a necessity, not a choice, for most American families. Futhermore, feminism, aimed originally at balanced gender roles, has been turned viciously against males of all ages and ultimately against females through degrading their traditional and valuable contributions.

Abernethy proposes that Americans need time to regroup, untroubled by a continuing influx of foreign peoples. The family, small business, and responsive local government are centers around which a solvent and confident citizenry can prosper again.