[counselling] Videos

Are you struggling in debt?
Allow us to assist you by reducing your monthly installments by up to 60%
Call us today to book an appointment with the experts in the field boasting a 100% application success rate.

Request a Free Assessment Today – Restructure all your Debt into One Low and Affordable Instalment.
Call :087 135 5025
Visit our website for more information and to apply for debt counselling.

Global Debt Solutions (Registered Debt Counsellors ) was formed with one goal in mind – to assist over-indebted consumers who need to get out of debt. Debt Counselling was introduced in 2007 and is governed and regulated by the National Credit Act 34 of 2005. Under section 86 and 87 of the national credit act, a consumer may approach a debt counsellor to be placed under debt review if he/she is unable to pay his debts in a timeous fashion.

We immediately set up a new payment plan and begin negotiating with creditors. They will no longer be allowed to call you or harass you. Your salary cannot be garnished either as the debt counselling program will protect you.

What sets us apart from our competition is that we have an in-house legal team which ensures our client’s rights remain protected at all times. Our team of Debt Counsellors and Attorneys work together throughout the process. Combined with our years of experience in the industry, we have become a formidable opponent to credit providers. Our PDA software automatically links to our payment distribution agent which ensures that accurate and timeous payments are made on behalf of our clients to their credit providers.

After an assessment is conducted with you, we will be able to determine the best solution to your debt problem.

Cal : 087 135 5025 or email: info@registereddebtcounsellors.co.za



South Africa currently has over 12 million over-indebted consumers out of 20 million credit active consumers.  Drastic action was needed to help  and In 2007 government passed the National Credit Act 34 of 2005(hereinafter referred to as “The Act”. The Act came into full force along with guided regulations which helped with the procedure and implementation of the Act..   The National Credit Regulator overseas enforcement of the Act and all Debt Counsellors must be registered with it. Debt Counsellors are given a registration number which can be verified on the National Credit Regulator’s website.
S86 and 87 of the Act deals with Debt Review applications. A person is over-indebted if they cannot pay for some or all of their monthly debt obligations after living expenses are deducted from their nett salary.

Many countries have adopted debt counselling to assist their citizens who are struggling financially.  Debt Review in South Africa works similar to other countries. Debt Review is a process that allows an over-indebted consumer to have their debt restructured so that they have more disposable income available.  This is achieved by reducing their monthly debt repayments to each creditor pro rata.  As Debt Counsellors we have industry leading software which helps us achieve this.  We are able to calculate a consumer’s estimated debt repayment over an established period.  Debt Counselling has rules often referred to as Task team Agreements.  It serves as a guideline and is followed by Debt Counsellors and Creditors so that there is general uniformity.   Credit agreements must solve within a specific period, meaning the terms are only allowed to be extended to certain period dependent on the credit agreement concerned.

Many of our clients who have applied for Debt Counselling are happier and more at peace. They no longer have to worry about debt and are able to sleep peacefully. Debt can be a burden on your health and wellbeing.  As Debt Counsellors we are very compassionate to our clients.  After you apply for Debt Counselling, you can forget about your debt repayments and focus on the more important things in life that matter.
Contact us for a free assessment.

The United Way through many non-profits in our city is helping teach low income women how to become financially stable.


I review a credit counselling Canada site that has been very active in blogging about Canadian insolvency, bankruptcy and consumer proposal issues.
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Credit Counselling Society – Bankruptcy Misconceptions and Options Canada | The Credit Counselling Society – Credit Counselling Society

Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos!
Should I Use Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal in Canada?
What not to do before filing bankruptcy
Bankruptcy from Tax Debts
Personal Finance Q&A: How do I know when to declare bankruptcy?
Proven Biblical Money Principles – Dave Ramsey
Proper Use of LLCs for Real Estate
How to Start a Speech
Mark Cuban: How I Became a Billionaire
Should I File Bankruptcy Or Pay Off $80,000 In Debt?
Former CIA Officer Will Teach You How to Spot a Lie l Digiday
Bankruptcy – 3 Secrets to Rebuild Credit the Day After Discharge
Don’t Talk to Cops, Part 1
How We Help – Consumer Credit & Debt Counselling Canada | The Credit Counselling Society
Our Bankruptcy Story. What It Was Like to Go Bankrupt.
The Pros and Cons Of Bankruptcy
Consumer Proposals: What’s the Catch?
Bankruptcy in Canada Video 2: Provincial Exemption Limits and Asset Seizures
46% of Canadians on the brink of insolvency as rates rise: Survey
Sample retirement plan for 50 year old getting late start.
Total Debt Freedom
Epstein Epstein
Tax Audit Solutions
CBC News
Seacoast Church
Real Estate Asset Protection
Conor Neill
The Dave Ramsey Show
David Hetti
MP Anon
Credit Counselling Society
Ira Smith
Hoyes Michalos
Hoyes Michalos
BNN Bloomberg
Jazz Wealth Managers

Take a look at Credit Counselling Society stats and you’ll understand why I am a fan.

Video Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqWIvnvHOX8
Video Title: Bankruptcy Misconceptions and Options Canada | The Credit Counselling Society
Username: Credit Counselling Society
Views: 3,839 views

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Salyzyn & Associates – Credit Counselling

If you are having problems with debt, we can help you. We have an entire team of highly qualified debt counsellors to assist you. Debt Counselling is something thing you should never be ashamed of, let Debtbusters help you get your life back on track. Visit our website today, http://www.debtbusters.co.za/debt-solution/debt-management/

What is Debt Mediation and Counselling?

The topics covered in today’s video include:

? What is debt mediation?
? What is debt counseling?
? Why should you consider debt counseling or mediation?

? Debt mediation offers one way to get yourself back on the road to financial solvency.

It will help you get out of debt.

? Debt mediation allows you to sit down with your creditors and come to a mutually beneficial agreement about how to pay off your debts.

This is where you get a cheaper rate for the interest on your loan.

? Debt mediation works by lowering your interest payments to the concession rate — the lowest rate offered by the credit card company — and coming to an agreement on the amount of principal reduction.

This is when both sides are in synergy about the about of debt that should be paid, and the interest rate on the loans.

? Debt counseling is a process that is used to help individual debtors with debt settlement through education, budgeting and the use of a variety of tools with the goal to reduce and ultimately eliminate debt.

A debt counselor is your ally in paying off debt.

? Debt counseling is also known as credit counseling.

A synonym.

? Debt or credit counseling is appropriate for individuals who are trying to pay off their debt Dollar-for-Dollar but who don’t feel they are making any headway on their own.

It might help you pay off your debts faster.

? If you want help to prioritize your payments and create an action plan for getting back in the black.

This is a good time to consider debt counseling or mediation.

? If you can’t make a payment on a debt you might want to consider debt counseling or mediation.

If your broke and in debt, then you might consider these as options.

? If you are concerned with your debt, you might want to consider debt counseling

Debt counselling might allow you to feel better about yourself when you are paying debts back.

When you ignore the warning signs, debt problems can climb out of control. Using credit cards and making minimum payments only makes the problem grow. Break the cycle; you can get out of debt. Well help you reduce your monthly payments, lower or eliminate interest charges and stop those stressful collection calls. Well work with you to develop a plan that fits your budget so you can live while paying off your debt sooner.