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You may find your balances increasing in the first few months of debt review. Do not panic.

This is process-related and will change. In South Africa, credit providers, banks, debt collectors and debt counsellors are not always technologically aligned.

Debt review is not a quick-fix solution to your debt problems. Falling off the system after a few months makes no sense.
Becoming financially free requires you to stay committed to the process, make your payments timeously and trust us as your debt counsellors.

PLEASE FEEL FREE to contact us on 021 003 8733, on our National Debt Advisors Facebook page or fill out a contact form on our website at www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za

South Africans in debt are borrowing money to supplement their income. That’s according to Debt Busters, the largest debt counselor.
In its latest quarterly debt report, for the 4th quarter of last year, it shows that middle-income earners are the hardest hit by this. Debt Busters has declared February, “debt awareness month” to raise awareness and educate people about the dangers of over-indebtedness.

Timmy van der Grijp, legal advisor from the debt counselling department at the National Credit Regulator is in studio.

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