[Collectors] Videos

For information about our new Fast Track membership, go here: https://yourlegallegup.com/blog/fast-track-to-victory-over-debt-collectors/.

Arbitration is different from mediation, which is voluntary. Instead, arbitration is an alternative type of court, where the arbitrator renders a judgment. The debt collectors (and big money in general) like it because it makes it easier for them to get a judgment against you. It typically has easier rules of evidence and reduced discovery, and appeals are nearly impossible. So we generally suggest against it – to put it mildly. But if you happen to have everything you need, we still suggest against it because of its lack of “transparency” and the fact that arbitrators are often loyal to the debt collection side.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: What do I do when I receive threatening phone calls from debt collectors while being under the debt review program?

National Debt Advisors is the #1 debt counselling company in South Africa. We offer you debt counselling, debt solutions and expert advice. If you are struggling with your debt or need financial assistance, contact us today!
CALL US on 021 003 8733 or visit our website: https://nationaldebtadvisors.co.za/

Are Not-For-Profit Credit Counselling Agencies Now Just Debt Collectors? – Debt Free In 30 – A Personal Finance Podcast. A debt collector does just what the name suggests: they collect on unpaid debt. They won’t review all your debt relief options with you or give you a plan that makes debt repayment realistic and affordable. Their only goal is to recover as much debt for the creditor as possible. That’s how their business makes money.
You might be shocked to learn that not-for-profit credit counselling agencies are now operating the same way. In fact, they are formally registered with the Ontario government as debt collection agencies. Credit counselling agencies have changed. Most are no longer registered charities. Credit counselling agencies don’t do a lot of budgeting or actual counselling anymore either. Credit counselling organizations in Canada today are big, national call centers. Now when you call a credit counsellor, you’re sold a debt management plan (DMP), where you repay 100% of the debts you owe, but with a lowered interest rate. Credit counselling companies sell this regardless of whether that’s the right course of action for you because they are sponsored by financial institutions to do so.
We take a deep look at why not-for-profit credit counselling agencies have become nothing more than debt collectors. We also examine the implications for you as a debtor in need of help.

URL: https://www.hoyes.com/blog/are-not-for-profit-credit-counselling-agencies-now-just-debt-collectors/

Getting started on defense, and getting started on discovery are key to self defense in debt cases. For help defending yourself correctly and powerfully from debt collectors, check us out at https://YourLegalLegUp.com.

One of the first steps in defending yourself in debt litigation is beginning discovery – you should not wait for the debt collectors to start their discovery before you start yours.

For a free informational series (called “Seven Steps”) on what to do if the debt collectors sue you, go to https://yourlegallegup.com/pages/sued_for_debt_action_steps. It’s free and informative, and there’s no obligation. Along with the companion article at http://yourlegallegup.com/pages/Mediation, this video helps the pro se defendant prepare for mediation. warns of pitfalls that could cause you to lose your shirt in mediation and shows you how to come out ahead. Explains how the mediation process works, how the mediator will probably run the session and what he or she will say, and even what the debt collector’s lawyer is probably going to say. This video tells you exactly what to expect so you can prepare for some of the pressures you’re going to feel without being surprised by them. Don’t Lose Your Shirt in Mediation! http://youtu.be/fBcs7OrNfOU. Your Legal Leg Up is a website and business designed to help ordinary people defend themselves from debt collectors before or during a lawsuit. Many debt collectors rely on unethical and unfair collections methods that violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which is the first and best source of debtor rights, among other laws.

What makes everybody have a good chance against a debt collector is simply the way the debt collection business works. Junk debt buyers buy huge “tranches” or “portfolios” of debt — sometimes many millions of dollars of “nominal” debt at a time. “Nominal” debt means that is the amount that is theoretically owed, although the companies selling it, like the companies buying it, “discount” the value of debt depending on how long it has been in default (or based on other risk factors). Debt collectors buy huge amounts of the riskiest debt for pennies on the dollar.

Then they harass and dun the people who supposedly owe the money for a while, and then they file suit, often against dozens or hundreds of people at a time. Because the debt collectors are doing everything in “bulk,” they cannot really spend much time on individual cases. If you fight them, therefore, you have an excellent chance to make them go away — it’s simply too profitable for them to pursue the many who do not fight rather than the few who do.

If you hire a lawyer to fight for you, they are more likely to drop your case faster, but if you fight them intelligently even without a lawyer you will have an excellent chance to win the suit on your own. And this, again, is because every time you file a pleading, a motion, or discovery, or pursue any of your rights or potentials in the lawsuit, and every time you force the debt collector to appear in court, you are costing them money — money they hate to spend on you when there are so many others who won’t fight.

Learn how to get control of your debt with tips from an industry insider who has worked as a debt collector for over 24 years and who has been in debt herself and had to deal with aggressive debt collectors.

Are Debt Collectors Calling You? On Your Job? On Your Cell? Are You Receiving Threatening Collection Letters in the Mail? Threats to Sue You? Garnish Your Wages? STOP HIDING! Dodging Telephone calls and tossing unopened letters in the mail is NOT the answer! If you are tired of being harassed, insulted, and threatened by debt collectors; THIS EBOOK IS FOR YOU! You’ll receive my 10 proven strategies that I have personally used as a Certified Credit Counselor to save my clients thousands of dollars and to FIGHT BACK and WIN against debt collectors! You’ll learn the POWER that lies in your state and federal consume right laws, how to turn the tables on baseless threats, how to REMOVE COLLECTIONS from your credit reports, what VALIDATION is, how to spot violations during the initial telephone call and in your collection agency letters; CASE LAWS that give you the upper hand, DISPUTE LETTER templates for you to utilize immediately, AND MORE! Remember this, Financial Literacy is POWER. The more educated you are on your rights, the more powerful you are. I’m going to teach you how to get your power back and pound annoying debt collectors in the sand!

If you are one of the millions of individuals that have outstanding debt, and would like to know what your rights are, this book is for you. In this book, you will get a basic understanding of what your rights are when debt collectors contact you. You will know if that letter you received in the mail is in compliance of with the law. As you read you will learn what your rights are while dealing with the collectors of this debt. When you are finished you will have the knowledge to defend yourself against any unscrupulous collectors. Should all else fail and the debt is overwhelming, you will gain the knowledge and understanding of your rights under the bankruptcy laws. You will gain insight into the applicable chapters of bankruptcy, which chapter is best for your situation. More importantly, you will learn how to navigate through the process without employing a costly attorney.

Have you ever listened to real debt collection calls from real debt collectors telling lies? I have a lot of them and here are three that show the lies and deceit. And I confront them on it. They are within this book. This book is about how to defend yourself, using transcripts from conversations I have had with debt collectors. It shows you the collection process, how the collector must proceed, and what to do if they do not. It shows how to hold conversations with them, what paperwork to file and even an example of how to respond to a lawsuit. Yes, you can do that yourself. What I want to do is show you the rules of the game and how they are applied. If you are aware and know the rules of the game, it is much easier to defend yourself.

Do you know that millions of dollars of debt are collected illegally every year? Do you know that it may be possible for you to receive a payment from a debt collector or creditor for legal damages? The Secret World of Debt Collection shows readers how they can reduce their personal debt and possibly win thousands in legal compensation. I wrote this book because it’s only fair that you find out what you’re really up against when it comes to consumer credit, finance, and collections.

Attorney and former debt collections CEO, Mike Cardoza wants you to know that what you might think is an impossible situation is not. Mike Cardoza is the most senior executive from the consumer credit and finance industry to publish such a comprehensive account on the vulnerabilities and shortcomings of American consumer credit and debt collection companies. A former CEO and Executive Vice President in debt collections, he lays bare the economic realities of the U.S. credit and collections system that virtually ensures that millions of dollars of debt are collected illegally every year.